It’s Christmas time, a time of joy, celebration and family. But in a country with tens of thousands of forgotten children in institutional care, what do an 11-year-old, abandoned...
Deinstitutionalisation of children: Christmas miracle or ‘no room at the inn?
It’s Christmas — a time for parties, presents and pity for those children spending the holidays in institutional care. It makes government’s plan for the mass...
Dear Minister Zulu, all they want for Christmas is a family
Every year, there are children who spend Christmas in institutions rather than with family. Addressing these challenges and providing family care for children is an ongoing...
Is government ignoring the impact on our children of growing up in children’s homes?
In a country where adoption is limited and increasingly under threat, more children are spending longer in institutional care. This Christmas, kind strangers will shower them...
A Christmas tale of six South African children
Surviving can be a daily struggle for the most vulnerable children in the South African child protection system, those with illness, disabilities, or who have experienced abuse....
All children want for Christmas
“Every child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about him or her.” This quote by Urie Bronfenbrenner captures the battle of children in care, especially at...
All they want for Christmas: A sunny day, the right documents, and maybe a parent or two
This Christmas many of the 21,000 children living in 355 registered Child and Youth Care Centres dotted across South Africa (and even perhaps some of the 2,000 living in 115...
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